RWS-010 Paul's Epistles

To view detailed information about the Grade School series, click HERE.

There are 13 lessons in this book/CD/download by Lisa Smith, which is suitable for one age group or any combination of ages from first grade through sixth grade. Mrs. Smith does an excellent job of providing basic information on each of the epistles authored by Paul. Each lesson has one teaching text and a variety of activities of various levels of difficulty. Many scholars believe Paul is the author of Hebrews, and we will cover it in a separate book. The titles of the lessons are the names of the books Paul wrote, so a listing of titles will not be provided. Those of you who have used other lessons authored by Lisa Smith will not be at all surprised with the excellent manner in which she has highlighted the main thoughts in each epistle. If you have not ever taught lessons written by this godly preacher's wife, you owe it to yourself and your students to investigate the depth, but yet simplicity, she uses to teach very profound Bible truths!

To view the lesson titles, place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. The Bible is Inspired
2. Romans
3. Corinthians
4. Galatians
5. Ephesians
6. Philippians
7. Colossians
8. Thessalonians
9. 1 Timothy
10. 2 Timothy
11. Titus
12. Philemon
13. Review

To view a sample lesson, click here

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