RWS-211 Miracles of Jesus

Lisa Smith has developed another excellent lesson series for children ages two through first grade.  The lessons may be used with one age only or in a multi-age classroom. The emphasis is clearly written on the Attendance Charts, "JESUS -- SON OF GOD."  His miracles prove that Jesus is God's Son.  Those who have used other lesson books by Lisa are aware of the good variety of activities she includes, and that the activites help reinforce what has been taught by the teacher. 

In 2014 the download was revised with lessons added for Grades 1-4.  The lesson titles are the same.  The lesson text has been revised for older students.  Lisa has created many activities for the older students.  Lessons may be added for one or more age levels.  Teachers could teach the same lesson to preschoolers through fourth grade if necessary, printing out different activities for students depending on their ages and abilities.  We realize many very small congregations have a wide age range in one classroom in many instances.  

To view the lesson titles, place mouse/cursor HERE.

To view a sample of the preschool lesson, CLICK HERE.  

To view a sample of the grades 1 - 4 lesson  CLICK HERE.  


Lesson 1: Miracles Defined
Lesson 2: A Net Full of Fish
Lesson 3: Through the Roof
Lesson 4: No Greater Faith
Lesson 5: Dead, Then Alive
Lesson 6: Calming a Storm
Lesson 7: Feeding the Multitudes
Lesson 8: Walking on Water
Lesson 9: Coin From a Fish
Lesson 10: Ten Lepers
Lesson 11: Blind Men See
Lesson 12: Healing Malchus
Lesson 13: Review

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