Ladies' Day Speech

Barbara Hanna spoke at a Ladies' Day at the Eisenhower church of Christ in Odessa, TX on September 11, 2010.  The topic was "Joy in the Morning."  There are two parts to the speech, which may be downloaded from this web site, or listened to on your computer.  

The first talk speaks of various trials.  It emphasizes the loss of a close loved one, but also touches on trials during marriage, health problems, financial difficulties and caring for the elderly or sick loved ones.  The second talk emphasizes how to persevere during trials, as well as how you can help others who are going through trials.  

Many personal examples are given, and it is hoped that the lessons will assist others going through difficult times as well as providing loving comfort to others.  There is no charge to download the lessons onto a CD or listen to them online.  Each lesson is around 35 minutes long, and both can not be burned onto one CD.  You may burn them on two separate CDs or merely download them to your computer.  

Part of the second talk was not recorded, so Mrs. Hanna's outline includes that section in greater detail on the outline you may download and print out for personal use or to share with others.  The CDs you burn may also be given to others free of charge, but please print the following information on the CD or the Jewel Case (or CD envelope):

Ladies' Day, Odessa, TX, Speaker Barbara Hanna.

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