RWS-PS-208 Let it Shine

RWS-PS #208, Let it Shine, is jointly authored by Lisa Smith and Barbara Hanna. Lisa created most of the activities. Barbara added a few activities and wrote the Teachers' Instructions and Parent Review with Child (PRC) cards. If you can purchase some inexpensive flashlights, your students will look forward to using them after each lesson. We turned the flashlights on, and turned the classroom lights off while singing "This Little Light of Mine." Then at the end of the series, each child was allowed to select a flashlight to take home.  Some of the parables covered are: Let It Shine, Two Debtors, The Unmerciful Servant, Friend at Midnight (the sample lesson), Pharisee and Publican, Talents, Rich Fool, Good Samaritan, Lost Coin, Lost Sheep, Prodigal Son and Ten Little Ladies (Virgins).  There is an original song to go with Ten Little Ladies, which can be used for that lesson and the concluding lesson, "Is My Light Shining?".

Lisa Smith is extremely talented at creating activities that will help the lesson stick in the minds of your children.  This series includes mazes, coloring, circle the answer, match the pictures, gluing, and so much more!  For some lessons, booklets are used to teach the lesson as well as for students to color.  The story about the lost sheep uses a booklet where students glue items to the pages, and star stickers (if available) on the page showing how the shepherd would look for the lost sheep even at night!  If your preparation time is limited, stay one lesson ahead and ask a teenage or an elderly person to help you with the cutting out (not in every lesson).  Your helpers will enjoy participating, and you will be thrilled to watch the little ones learn so much! 

To view the titles place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. This Little Light of Mine
2. Forgive
3. Two Debtors
4. Pharisee and Publican
5. Midnight Visitor
6. Rich Food
7. Parable of the Talents
8. The Good Samaritan
9. The Lost Coin
10. The Lost Sheep
11. The Prodigal Son
12. Five Were Ready
13. Is My Light Shining?

To view a sample lesson, CLICK HERE.
There is a note to customers on the second page of the sample lesson regarding this book and the activity pages.

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