RWS-PS-301 Coloring Book

By Malissa J. Sansom

It is a true joy to introduce a gifted artist, Malissa J. Sansom, and tell you about this fine young Christian woman and the coloring book she has created. Malissa is presently a freshman at Freed-Hardeman University. She was a 2009 graduate of Baldwin High School. Graduates were required to complete a senior project, and she chose to create this coloring book. She writes, "I felt it would benefit children in the US and foreign countries. Aside from the satisfaction that I received from knowing that it was beneficial to children, I also received one of five awards in my class for the best senior projects."

This reproducible coloring book could be used in countless ways. Use your own imagination, but here are a few of my suggestions:

  • A coloring book for preschoolers or grade school children in your own home or give it as a gift to friends and family.
  • Coloring pages to go with Bible lessons for young children.
  • Create a yearlong project with students coloring a page each week, to be placed into a booklet of your own creation.
  • Use the book as a weekly memory verse for older students. Color the page for the week and place it on a wall or in a folder.
  • Use the graphics with the verses covered to review the memory verses.
  • Memory verses can also be learned at home! Work on a verse a week for older children or use a longer time span for younger children.
  • Color some of the pictures to use on a bulletin board in your classroom.

To view the Table of Contents, CLICK HERE.

To view a sample coloring page, CLICK HERE.

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