RWS-PS-252 - Patriarchs

Lisa Smith has done an excellent job of conveying the roles of these patriarchs with application simple enough for even the two-year-olds to understand.  The activities she has created provide both simple and more difficult tasks for students, allowing the lessons to be used for one age group only, or with a multi-age classroom.
It is simple to print the lessons from your home computer.  If you have a color printer, children will enjoy the colored graphics for many of the activities.  There are also coloring pages and booklets which are not in color.
Barbara Hanna has taught these lessons to her class of twos and threes twice (to different groups of children). They eagerly look forward to class and learn so much for their age. 
Although this series is not available in book format, if you are not able to print from a home computer, you can print a master copy to be printed on the church copy machine. Or give the CD to a friend to print out for you.  It is suggested that you keep the originals in separate file folders to use over and over.  After you teach the class, it is good to keep extra copies of the activities in file folders to be used when you teach the same lessons two or three years later.  Plus it saves a lot of money! 
To view the lesson titles place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. God Spoke to the Patriarchs
2. Adam
3. Cain and Abel
4. Job's Trials
5. God's Promise to Abraham
6. Isaac and Rebekah
7. Jacob and Esau
8. Joseph and His Brothers
9. The Israelite Slaves
10. The Burning Bush
11. Moses, the Leader
12. Aaron and the Golden Calf
13. Joshua

To view a sample lesson, CLICK HERE.

There is a note to customers on the second page of the sample lesson regarding this book and the activity pages.

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