RWS-PS-256, Kings

Children thoroughly enjoy this lesson series by Lisa Smith about the Kings of Israel.  Although it is simple enough for even the two-year-olds to understand, Lisa and I (Barbara) have covered a lot more information than you can find in many lesson series teaching about the kings.  The activities are intended to fortify what has been taught, as well as make modern application in some instances.  More difficult activities are also included for children up to first grade.

To view the lesson titles, place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. Saul, the First King
2. Saul Disobeyed God
3. David, Son of Jesse
4. King David
5. David Sinned
6. Who Would Replace David?
7. Wise King Solomon
8. King Solomon Disobeyed
9. The Kingdom Divided
10. Joash
11. Uzziah
12. Hezekiah
13. Manasseh and Josiah

To view a sample lesson, CLICK HERE.

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