March 2018

Dear friends and customers,

Many of you have followed us through our journey that began nearly 15 years ago, when Angie died in a car accident.  I am sorry I have not printed an update recently.

Sophie is a Freshman at Lubbock Christian High School.  She was unable to participate in volleyball or basketball when she was in the 8th grade due to a torn ACL.  It is healed now, and she was able to enjoy both this year.  Now she is running in track.  At the first meet she ran in the JV and got first place in both the 800 and 400.  We are hopeful that the coach will allow her to run in the varsity so she can compete at the state level.  Sophie was baptized last summer at Bible camp, for which we are very thankful.  She has a very busy summer planned for 2018, also.  

Barrett is a 5th grader and Keaton a 4th grader (both at Lubbock Christian).  They love basketball, football and baseball.  The boys were not able to participate in a community basketball session this year, but hopefully they will be able to play baseball.  Right now they are in Dallas at the NCAA Tournament.  Since Texas Tech played Thursday and will play again Saturday it is special for their family.  Sophie did not go with them, as she is with a friend on her ranch.  

All three are healthy and doing well in school.  We get to see them at birthdays and other occasions.  We had the Lees at our house when Mike came home for Christmas.  We ate at their house this past Tuesday.  Often we eat out together when there are games or school functions.  We thank God that we have a close relationship with all of them as well as the other four grandparents.  

Joe and I are both active in the Shallowater 12th Street Church of Christ.  Joe leads prayers and helps with communion.  He taught the 1st and 2nd graders one quarter this winter.  I still teach the 2s and 3s every Sunday and Wednesday unless I am ill.  I have a different helper each month - one for Sunday and a different person for Wed. nights.  It works out well, and I have subs who are able to take over if I am ill or need to be gone.  I have been trying to include more of the young women so they can be ready to teach in the future.  

Joe is very healthy and swims at the YWCA most weeks on M, T, Th, & F.  His diabetes is under very good control.  

I also have diabetes and just take a little more med, but it is under good control.  I also have asthma that is fairly well controlled.  My family doctor has gotten me in to see a new asthma doctor next month, and I am very pleased about going.  I didn't begin with asthma until I was over 60.  After I had my gall bladder removed I had a bout with C-Diff, which is now cured.  But I do have IBS-D.  Thankfully it generally acts up mainly after lunch about 3-4 days a week and is not an all day matter.  There are days that I must rest due to the ill effects, but most of the time I can stay busy.  

I am in the process of updating the Hanna Publications web site and adding the last two of six OT lesson series for Preschoolers.  Of course I was able to use them in my own Bible classes, and it helped me know how to revise them so they would work well for my 2s and 3s and well as the older preschoolers Lisa Smith teaches at the Vinland Church of Christ in Kansas.  I am very thankful for her generous contributions to many of the lessons, especially writing the majority of the preschool lesson series.  A few months ago her dad, Sam Fish, passed away and he is missed by many.  But if we live godly lives, we shall see him again.  

I am uncertain how long I will be able to continue with Hanna Publications.  I hope a few more years.  The reproducible books are all being sold at half price, and are no longer being reprinted.  I hope to continue selling CDs and downloads.  Many are using computers more these days, and it is so much easier to print.  Also, many of the lessons, especially newer series, have color graphics that the children really enjoy when printed in color.  I have a color printer I use for my own class.  Some congregations have color printers so the teacher may print one copy at home and then print extra copies on the church printer, thus saving on the color ink at home.  Fortunately printing in color is not nearly as expensive now as it was in 1994 when Hanna Publications began.  

Many loved ones have been lost in the past year, including Sam Fish, mentioned above.  In this regard, I would like to share one of my favorite passages:  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God.  For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ" (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

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