August 30, 2018
Less than a year later, Joe got a job in Texas, and we moved to Shallowater so we could help care for Sophie. Eric and Sophie had been living with his parents in Olton, and after we moved here, Eric moved to Shallowater, too. The headquarters for Bahama Bucks had been moved to Lubbock (from Phoenix, AZ), so it made it closer for Eric to drive to work (as he is one of the owners). God has blessed our lives tremendously. Eric remarried in February of 2005. Connie was a widow whose husband had died from cancer. So she understood the terrible grief, and she loved Sophie so much and is a wonderful mother to her! In May, 2006, Barrett Lee was born. That fall I published my book, JOY IN THE MORNING. It is my hopes that the book has blessed all who have read it. It was very difficult to write. I did not do so to help myself recover, but rather to reach out to those who have had similar losses. When Angie died, I could not find the kind of book I thought I needed to read to help me recover. So about a year later I decided I should write the book I would have wanted to read, and perhaps it would help those who suffered as I had. In October of 2007, Keaton Lee was born. These two boys have been a tremendous blessing to our lives. Over the years we have enjoyed many times spent with Sophie, Barrett and Keaton at school events, sports, and family gatherings. We feel close to both of the other sets of grandparents. We began worshiping with the 12th Street church of Christ as soon as we moved here. They even came when we were moving in and helped unload the truck! This church family has helped us celebrate the happy times in our lives and they have uplifted us during sorrow. We are so thankful for our church home! Now Sophie is a Sophomore at Lubbock Christian High School. Barrett is in the 6th grade, and Keaton the 5th at the same school. Time has flown by! We are grateful that Eric and Connie have let us keep the grandchildren often (moreso when they were little) as well as take them places. If we would have remained in Eudora, Kansas, we would never have had such a close relationship with all of the family. But we still miss our home of 35 years and friends from Kansas! So many have prayed for us over the years, and we are thankful for your love and encouragement. We have tried to be a comfort to others who have lost loved ones. God has prepared a wonderful home for those who love and obey Him and His Word. Jesus said, "Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.... I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:1-6; NKJV)). Friends, please know our greatest desire for you is that you might serve the one true God all the days of your life, and live with Him through all eternity! |