December 2009

This is being written shortly after Thanksgiving. Mike and Maria were here from NC, and we greatly enjoyed the visit. Eric, Connie and the grandkids came on Friday to exchange gifts with them before they left that afternoon.

Mom was not here with us because she passed away on July 17. Although I missed having her come over, I realize that she was no longer in good enough health, and probably could not have come had she survived. She just quit breathing during the night shortly after the staff had checked on her. One of the aides went back to get something she had forgotten in Mom's room and she thought she was not breathing. They called me around 6 a.m. to let me know, and when the phone rang I knew in my heart it would be about Mom. She had been having so much trouble with her broken arm and the right lung not working properly. The last week of her life she was in a better mood and we had some good visits, for which I am very thankful. Now she is resting and peaceful in a better place.

Eric, Connie, Sophie, Barrett and Keaton plan to come to eat and exchange Christmas gifts with us on Dec. 19. Then we will keep Sophie and Sunday night after worship services Sophie and I will go see the Cactus Kids Christmas program. What fun!

Shallowater has a new football coach, and Joe is now a paid assistant coach. He thoroughly enjoyed the season and is looking forward to next year. They won more games than they lost, but were not able to make it to the playoff games. Maybe next year!

Joe continues to be in good health. My diabetes is under control. I still have some rapid pulses (generally under 110), but I have read that supraventricular tachycardia does not shorten ones life span, so I am trying to take it in stride. It makes me a little tired, but that's OK. I do what I can and was able to clean house and cook meals for Thanksgiving, so what more can I ask?

Joe and I continue to enjoy every time we are able to take care of the three grandchildren. The October birthday party for Keaton (2 yr.) and Sophie (7 yr.) was a lot of fun with a Halloween games theme.

Dave Durkin (from Eudora) came to visit the last weekend in October. He went to Joe's HS game and then they went to the KU vs. Tech game on Saturday. It was a very enjoyable time for all of us. If any of you are ever coming our way, just give us a call.

"A friend loves at all times..." (Prov. 17:17). May you have a happy holiday season and new year.

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