RWS-103 Moses

To view detailed information about the Grade School series, click HERE.

This workbook teaches about Moses, the plagues and leaving Egypt.

This workbook includes lessons for Grades 5 - 8 by John K. Wills. Teachers may use the lessons for one grade level only or in a multi-age classroom with any combination of students in Grades 1 - 8. All students will study the same topic each week, with more details provided for older students.

To view the lesson titles, place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. God Saved Moses
2. Moses and the Burning Bush
3. No Straw
4. Blood and Frogs
5. Lice and Flies
6. Disease, Death and Boils
7. Hail and Locust
8. Darkness and Death
9 Crossing the Red Sea
10. Sweet to Bitter and Bitter to Sweet
11. Manna From Heaven
12. Water From a Rock
13. Review Game

To view a sample lesson for grades 1-4 click here.  

To view a sample lesson for grades 5-8 click here.  

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