RWS-PS-209 God's Plan

RWS-PS #209, God's Plan, by Lisa Smith, is fun to teach and will be very interesting to your students.  Lisa has utilized many types of activities to teach about God's Plan, such as: patterning, mazes, circle the answer, coloring, dot-to-dot and so much more.  If you have never taught one of Lisa's books, you are in for a real treat.  If you have used her activities before, be ready for even more creativity as her talents are growing with each book she writes!  Topics in this book include: nature, seasons, creatures, colors, our senses (being made in the image of God), Jesus, the church, etc. GOD'S PLAN includes at least one page for each lesson that could be used for first graders if you are teaching a multi-age classroom.  The words are spelled on the page to make it easier for them to find the correct word and copy it on the line. 

For those of you who are not yet "acquainted" with Lisa Smith, I would like to let you know that we worshiped together for many years while I lived in Kansas.  Her husband, Shawn, was the preacher for the Vinland church of Christ.  We were always good friends, but have become even "closer," although we live much further apart in miles.  It amazes me that she can be such a wonderful mother to her seven children while also finding time to write Bible lessons.  You will also appreciate her creativity when you teach and use her lesson books for home schooling, day care, Bible class, to teach your own children at home, when grandchildren come to visit you, or even a neighborhood Bible study for preschool children.   

To view the titles place mouse/cursor HERE.

1. Real or Make-Believe
2. The Builder
3. Nature
4. Seasons: Winter and Summer
5. Seasons: Spring and Fall
6. Creatures: Great and Small
7. No Worries
8. In His Hands
9. Red and Yellow, Black and White
10. In His Image
11. God's Plan for Christ's Church
12. Anywhere with Jesus
13. The King of Me

To view a sample lesson, CLICK HERE.
There is a note to customers on the second page of the sample lesson regarding this book and the activity pages.

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